Brass gravity casting and brass die casting
Brass gravity casting can also be called metal mold gravity casting or brass permanent mold casting. Brass gravity casting is different from brass die casting, whose exact name is brass high pressure die casting. Zenith Aluminum and Brass Casting Foundry can do both of these two brass casting processes. However, we only have two sets of cold chamber die casting equipments with tonnage of 160 tons and 280 tons respectively.
Brass gravity cast and die cast products have a much superior surface quality than that of brass sand cast products.But speaking to the condensity of the casting body, the brass gravity cast and die cast parts are inferior to brass sand cast products. Therefore, some critical parts involving pressure are much more properly made by sand casting or gravity casting process. On the other hand, the high pressure die casting process has a much larger yield than other two brass casting processes. So high pressure die casting process is always used for mass production of brass casting parts requiring fine surface quality.
Another critical difference should be noted is that high pressure die casting process can't apply sand cores unlike sand casting and gravity casting processes. Therefore, some concave casting features can't be obtained by brass die casting process.
Aluminum gravity cast products show

Product catalog: brass cast coupling-01(permanent mold casting)
Appliance:brass machinery part

Product catalog: brass cast valve-01(permanent mold casting)
Appliance:brass machinery part

Product catalog: brass cast valve-02(permanent mold casting)
Appliance:brass machinery part

Commercial application of brass gravity cast products
The brass gravity cast products made by Zenith Aluminum and Brass Casting Foundry are mainly used in fluid control system, such as brass valves,couplings and adapters. Such brass cast parts have a wide application in mine industry, oil field, fire fighting field, fluid pressure transmission parts and etc.
Besides brass valves,we also produce house decoration parts, brass cast kitchen parts, and brass cast furniture parts. You may customize your own design here with assistance of our casting engineers. We are willing to produce more brass cast products to serve more industries.
links to zenith brass gravity casting technology database
refer to aluminum metal mold gravity casting alloy designation sheetrefer to china aluminum gravity casting alloys designation sheet
refer to mechanical property and commercial application of aluminum metal mold gravity casting alloys
refer to post treatments of aluminum gravity casting table
refer to process parameter of gravity casting and post machining
FAQ's as to brass gravity casting
what's the difference between gravity casting and permanent casting?what's the difference between metal mold gravity casting and high pressure die casting
how does a brass gravity casting process perform?
what is the commercial application of brass metal mold gravity casting?
Quick Inquiry of Casting
For any question about aluminum or brass sand casting and gravity casting, please contact us directly via following means:
P:Ms.Elandy Chen
T:+86 574 8865 1898