Aluminum sand cast wheel

The aluminum sand cast wheel was exported to Dubai, which was cast from the aluminum alloy of Zl101. The outside diameter of the wheel is 650mm, with the height 120 mm. The whole outer surfaces of the aluminum casting wheel was bored by large vertical boring machine. Its sand casting mold took only 5 days to produce, because of its simple and plain shape. The main trouble of the aluminum wheel is to bore its outer surface, for it requires a large vertical boring machine to process it, and we need to heal the inner pores appeared after machining...
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06th Feb., 2009
Aluminum sand cast housing

The aluminum sand cast pump housing was exported to USA, which was cast from the aluminum casting alloy of A356. The outside diameter of the top header is 210mm, with the height 360 mm and weight 6.14kg. The whole outer surfaces of the aluminum casting wheel was turned by CNC turning lathe. Its sand casting mold took only 25 days, Besides the aluminum sand casting mold, it should needs a sand core injection mold for inner sand core. Though the aluminum cast pump housing seems much complicated, it is quiet easy to cast and machine except of special attention to attaching sand cores while sand casting...
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06th Feb., 2008
Aluminum sand cast truck tank part

The aluminum sand cast truck tank housing is an automotive part which is exported to USA. The aluminum sand casting alloy for this cast truck tank housing is ZL101, which was inspected by spectrometer on the spot of melting. The whole cast truck tank part project requires PPAP documents for product delivery. Among its various requirements, we paid more effort to achieve its 45kg water pressure test requirements....
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24th Dec, 2007
Quick Inquiry of Casting
For any question about aluminum or brass sand casting and gravity casting, please contact us directly via following means:
P:Ms.Elandy Chen
T:+86 574 8865 1898